Love is your design and you are embodying your inherent birthright.


Affirm and visualize your destiny to easefully welcome your baby into the world.


Nature's gift of the hormonal perfection in birth, a miraculous process transforming pain into bliss, leading to the profound joy of welcoming your baby into your arms.

Blessings, I'm Melissa Akal

My path in supporting women's health has always been anchored in nature's rhythms and our body's wisdom. As a Holistic Birth Doula, this connection to the natural world and instinctual processes has been central to my approach. Facing the challenges within industrialized birth settings, I learned through personal experiences, including overcoming two miscarriages, the importance of trusting in the body's innate ability to birth.

This journey led me to immerse myself in the teachings of Ayurvedic Healers and traditional birth wisdom, affirming my belief that the future of birth is a return to nature and our instinctual roots. I support a sacred birthing process where mothers are intimately connected to their inner guidance, family values, and spiritual consciousness. My dedication is to uphold medical freedom and spiritual autonomy, fostering transformative growth in birth and motherhood, and empowering women to harness their natural strength and healing capabilities.


More about my Offerings


Witnessing births in various settings, I learned that undisturbed births naturally lead to coherence and bonding between mother and child, a fact particularly evident in postpartum recovery.

As I entered my 40s, my longing for motherhood intensified. Trusting in my body and instincts, I chose a peaceful water birth at home, an experience free from complications and filled with joy. In a moment of pure bliss, I joyfully caught my perfectly healthy baby, setting a profound blueprint for his life and our relationship. This trauma-free beginning fostered a foundation of deep connection and harmony for our journey together.

Dedicated to empowering women in their childbearing journey, I focus on nurturing the body with optimal nutrition and tailored movement at each stage. My practice, steeped in shamanic respect, honors the sacredness of birth, guiding women to a natural birthing experience with trust, strength, and grace.

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"Working with Melissa as a prenatal yoga coach gave me a sense of control over my body and my pregnancy as well as a sense of well-being knowing that I was setting the groundwork for a healthy baby and a happy delivery- which was later the case! Our partner yoga sessions in our home strengthened my bond with my husband preparing us to become co-caregivers by renewing the foundation of our love for each other through physical and emotional exercises... so that both myself and my husband felt natural in this new experience and our new roles."
- Jessica M.

"Melissa Akal's empowering and intuitive approach, especially in her transformative yoga sessions, has been priceless. I highly recommend her to any expectant mama seeking a guiding light."
- Shea A.Â